by Jim Thompson | Mar 10, 2014 | CROI, CROI 2014, Spanish |
CROI 2014: Pablo Tebas with Rob Camp
by Jim Thompson | Mar 12, 2013 | Antiretrovirals, Blog, CROI, CROI 2013, Global, Research, Spanish |
Alberto La Rosa, MD is Director of Therapeutics at Asocial Ion Civil IMPACTA in Peru. Rob Camp is a member of ATAC and a long-standing and invaluable voice in the advocacy community. In this interview Dr. La Rosa discusses various topics in HIV/AIDS science, notably...
by Jim Thompson | Mar 12, 2013 | Advocacy, Antiretrovirals, CROI, CROI 2013, Funding, Genetics, Prevention, Research, Spanish, Treatment as Prevention |
Julio Montaner, MD is the Director of the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Director of IDC and Physician Program Director for HIV/AIDS PHC. Rob Camp is a member of ATAC and a long-standing and invaluable voice in the advocacy community. Dr....
by Jim Thompson | Mar 9, 2013 | Advocacy, Aging, Blog, CROI, CROI 2013, Cure, Funding, Global, Hepatitis, Metabolics, Prevention, Research, Spanish, Women |
Enid Vázquez is associate editor of Positively Aware. Rob Camp is a member of ATAC and a long-standing and invaluable voice in the advocacy community. Ms. Vazquez discuss the current status of advocacy and...
by Jim Thompson | Mar 9, 2013 | Antiretrovirals, Blog, Co-infection, CROI, CROI 2013, Hepatitis, Metabolics, Pediatrics, Research, Spanish, Women |
Ana Milinkovic, MD, PhD, discusses her current research, and new research taking place elsewhere in the HIV research community. Rob Camp is a member of ATAC and a long-standing and invaluable voice in the advocacy...
by Jim Thompson | Mar 6, 2013 | Advocacy, Antiretrovirals, Co-infection, CONFERENCES, CROI, CROI 2013, Global, Hepatitis, Research, Spanish, Treatment as Prevention |
Maria del Rosario Leon is Community Educator and Communications Coordinator at Investigaciones Medicas en Salud in Lima, Peru. Robert Grant MD, MPH is Professor of Medicine at the Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology and the University of California, San...