Our Mission & Program

The International Foundation for Alternative Research in AIDS (IFARA) is dedicated to providing in-depth educational programming for those affected by HIV, Hepatitis, and other comorbitities. IFARA’s video segments facilitate easy access to timely and pertinent information about chronic manageable diseases and the associated treatment options. Panels and interviews are assembled and recorded at various conferences throughout the year, as official affiliate events.

HIV & Hepatitis Education Project

IFARA’s programming is intended to educate the patient community about the science of these infections and ailments, create awareness about current treatments, provide an accessible account of cutting edge research, and ultimately engender an informed and engaged patient community.

IFARA reaches out to underserved communities, by providing programming whenever possible in languages other than English, and producing programs on topics specific to minority communities, including African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans.

IFARA’s video media is distributed via the internet to partner organizations, via its own blogs and archival website, and throughout ASO’s across the country. IFARA maintains an active postal mailing list and sends materials to recipients regularly. IFARA produces its media locally as well as nationally, working with physicians, activists, researchers, and government representatives. Many of the education projects are specific topics being addressed at conferences and workshops, and in academic journals. The 2015 education projects conference list includes:

  • the Conference on Retroviral and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
  • the International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV
  • International Workshop on HIV and Aging, and
  • the International AIDS Society annual meeting



  • Providers and patients will gain a deep understanding of current research in finding vaccines and “cures” for HIV infection and Hepatitis co-infection, and of current research addressing symptoms and comorbidities of HIV infection and Hepatitis co-infection.

  • Providers and patients will individually and in groups receive current information about HIV, Hepatitis, and comorbidities, in live and stored formats, at appropriate education levels and multiple languages, and within cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic comfort zones (IFARA Educational Updates).

  • Providers and patients will be able to introduce themselves to or improve their knowledge of important aspects of the science of HIV and Hepatitis treatment and prevention, and vaccine and cure research (Understanding the Science of HIV).

  • Providers and patients will have access to frank discussions with heads of research in various disciplines, members of the advocacy community, and government and industry representatives. They will gain realistic, first hand perspectives of HIV, Hepatitis, and comorbidities, which will leave them informed and create realistic hope for the future (IFARA Interviews).